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Chorus provides a file attachment tool to help you attach a file or files to other files. If you need to remove an attachment, you will need to have "Edit" permissions on the file to which the attachment has been made.

When a file has an attachment, you will see a paperclip icon in the top right of its thumbnails. This can be clicked to view the attachment, or you can use the toolbox on the right to select "View attachments".

Removing an attachment from a file


1. First, click on the file (or select multiple files) which has the attachment that you want to remove.

2. In the right hand menu, click View Attachments...

3. The display will now change to a view of the attachment or attachments that have been made.

4. Click on the attachment or attachments that you wish to remove.

5. Click "Remove" in the toolbox to complete the detachment process. 

Removing an attachment does not delete the original attachment from Chorus: no files are deleted when removing an attachment, as attachments are reference files.

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